Our Links Policy

We will link to your website if it is related to food and drink and if we think it will be of interest to our customers. We might consider other topics if we think our customers will be interested.

We will not link to you if your content or advertising includes pornography, hate, violence, support for violent or discriminatory groups or illegal activities, or other material we deem offensive.

Your site must be informative, accurate, original, well designed, and well maintained. Please do not submit sites that are under construction. Wait until it is complete.

You should be willing to link back to us although reciprocal linking is not required. When links to us are removed, we reserve the right to do the same.

We reserve the right to decline to link to you if we deem you to be a competitor.

If you are a wine producer or importer or distributor, we must sell your wines for us to link to you.

We reserve the right to reject any links at our discretion without explanation.

To help us prepare your link, please submit a sentence or two describing your site. We reserve the right to edit the description.

If we link to you, listings are usually grouped by topic and then alphabetically. Occasionally we will give a prime position to a site we think is special.